Author Archive: Sandy

A poem…from me?

Shut the front door! I wrote a poem that I’d like to share. It’s about the ending of a relationship. Please feel free to leave a comment about it.

Our End

By: Sandy H. Steele

Is this how it ends
A moment filled with pain.
You were brought to me
Through inspiration from God.

Your actions speak loudly
Of your true desires.
Least ye forget that
“The way to hell is
paved in good intentions.”

You sought for my presence.
You guided me into your life.
Now all you can do is run away.
What would you say now?

Would you try to console me?
Would you attempt to make amends?
Or would you let me drift away?
Would you ever tell me why?

You would tell me more lies.
You would not try to console me
You would not make amends.
You would let me drift away
When you finally told me why.

Through this it truly is the end.
We could have, should have, would have
Been a solid team together.
It wasn’t meant to be.

Just over two months…

…until the annual NaNoWriMo!! What will I be writing about? I’m not entirely sure. I do know that I want to write something, but I’m unsure as to if I will just keep track of everything I write in November as part of my word count for NaNoWriMo, or if I will actually attempt to write a story! Maybe I’ll do a bit of both!!

I am starting classes on Monday, so I will decide after I know my load if I will be able to attempt an actual story or not. Should be an interesting semester, though.

No release dates planned for now. My proofreaders are hard at work and I’m patiently waiting to read what they’ve written in the margins!

Thanks readers!

Friends are awesome!

Yesterday, I was able to go to lunch with a friend I met in my creative writing class last semester. It was good to see her. I had expressed the fact that none of my stories have been speaking to me. None…at…all. Which is odd. You would think they would want their story to be finished. My friend asked the best questions and I will be working on a scene or two today or maybe Monday (haha!!) to get me out of this rut I’ve been in for a month now.

I am also thinking that if I announce what I’m working on…I’ll feel more compelled to work on the story. So, here goes…

I am happy to announce that I have begun work on a spin-off story from “Fighting For Love”. This will be Kaliah & Mark’s story. The story will be in Kaliah’s perspective and takes place a year and a half after the events in “Fighting For Love”.

Because of yesterday’s lunch with my friend, this story will hopefully fly out of my head and onto my computer screen! No release date planned as I have three other projects in the proofing stage right now. Watch for the release dates as I’m sure there will be something to report in the next couple of months!


Dear Spammers:

I am writing to let you know that I will not be changing the layout of my blog anytime soon. If you have trouble using Internet Explorer, then stop using it! Thank you for reading my blog. I’m glad that you have found the time to read the most random of pages on my blog that no one else comments on. I will not be approving your comments, as they do not add to the content of my blog.

Anyone can share my blog with anyone else. Please do. However, please do not share with other spammers. Their comments will not be approved either (Unless I find a comment to be of good use).

I believe my website is already mobile friendly, and if it really isn’t…then I have no clue how to fix it. Sorry.

If you would like to “donate” to the cause, you can purchase my books through Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Search for “Sandy H. Steele” or any of the titles of my “Sample Chapters”. Prices vary for these purchases…I mean donations!

Sandy H. Steele

Upcoming contests!

Here are a few contest details! I will be posting a picture. It could be a book cover or just a scenery shot. For those interested, follow the contest details below for each one. Good luck! The first contest starts in the morning!!

Contest #1:
Like, comment, share contest.
This contest will begin on December 19th
This contest will end January 19th
The prize will be an autographed copy of “Fighting For Love”.
Throughout the contest the following winners will be announced:

50 Likes of a photo – 1 winner randomly chosen
50 Comments on a photo – 1 winner randomly chosen
50 Shares of a photo – 1 winner randomly chosen

1 Grand Prize winner will be announced on January 20th and will win the following:
– 1 Autographed copy of “Fighting For Love”, a sneak peek (Chapter One) of “Undercover Love” the sequel to “Fighting For Love”, and 1 advanced copy of “Charlotte’s Revenge”.

Contest #2
Like, comment, share contest.
This contest will begin on January 20th
This contest will end on February 20th
The prize will be an advanced copy of “Charlotte’s Revenge”
Throughout the contest the following winners will be announced:

50 Likes of a photo – 1 winner randomly chosen
50 Comments on a photo – 1 winner randomly chosen
50 Shares of a photo – 1 winner randomly chosen

1 Grand Prize winner will be announced on February 21st and will win the following:
– 1 Advanced copy of “Charlotte’s Revenge”; autographed, a sneak peek to “Brothers” the exciting sequel, and a paperback version of “24 Hour Roommates”.

Watch for more contests to follow these two!!! Thanks!


NaNoWriMo 2012!!!

I’m 7 days into NaNoWriMo 2012 and I completely forgot about blogging about it! Yikes! Here’s the update. I started out strong, then got hit with a massive cold. I am finally bouncing out of that little hiccup. I am now trying to make up for lost days, but homework is calling me! Better do my homework first! Besides, I’m a little stuck in where exactly I want to take the story line, so it is a good thing that I have this distraction called homework to keep me occupied.

In other news, I will be working on a short story to publish via Amazon before Christmas. It will have a sample chapter of the edited Chapter One of “Charlotte’s Revenge” at the end. Even though the two stories have no real connection, I thought it would be a nice way to get people interested in my writing! And it will be a way of showing people that I’m not a one genre writer!! Hopefully it will go over well!

Enjoy November folks! It is a magically time of the year!!


Contest Details!

I mentioned yesterday that I was planning on having a contest!! I got the details all worked out, so here they are!

For every 100 fans I’ll give away a signed paperback copy of “Fighting For Love”!!

This will be up to 500 fans. That’s 5 chances to win!! Yay! Once we hit 100, 200, 300, 400 and then 500, fans I will randomly select a fan to receive an autographed copy of “FFL”!!

I will PM the winners and request their mailing address. Please respond within 5 days of the request or I will alert an alternate winner on the 6th day. Any questions, let me know!!

Oh, and I am hosting the last FREE promotion for the Kindle Edition of “FFL” from July 3rd until July 6th. That’s 4 days of being able to download a copy of “FFL”.

Nook readers will be excited to learn that starting in August, “FFL” will become available again through Barnes & Noble. After 6 months off from selling on B&N, I thought it would be a good time to put it back on!

Invite all your friends and family!! Thanks fans!


We have an Amazon link!!

Yay! We now have a link to Amazon for the paperback edition of “FFL”

Along with that, I feel a contest coming on! Watch for details. I need to go order the prize(s)!!!

Have a great day! And “Happy Birthday” to my wonderful editor of “FFL”!!! She’s the best!!


Exciting News!!!

I’ve learned a few things today. I wasn’t aware that I could sync my existing blog to my Goodreads Author Profile. Yay, for that!!

Okay, so I’ll keep you all updated on the release of “Fighting For Love” in paperback edition.


Did you honestly think that I brought you all here for an update on my Goodreads Author Profile? While that is exciting news, I have more! I’ve been getting you all ready for this for at least a month now. You must all be waiting on pins and needles for this day to finally get here!!

It’s here!!!

“Fighting For Love” is now available as a paperback book! It will take up to 7 days for it to show up on, however, it is currently available through at this link:

Thanks readers for being so patient with this process!! It took a few tries before it finally looked ready for distribution. Tell everyone you know that it is now available as a paperback! I know, I will be!

Have a wonderful day!

Progress report!

Things are slowly coming along. In early June, I was hit with a massive case of Vertigo. It was nice to be able to catch up on some sleep, but I lost a week of valuable time. I’ve been playing catch up since the spinning has decreased.

I am still working hard to get “Fighting for Love” published as a paperback book! Yay! I am working with a website called,, and it has been a learning experience to say the least! I am in the final proofing stages though and it shouldn’t be too much longer before I can officially post that it is up for sale!!

In the next couple of weeks I will be working on “Charlotte’s Revenge” getting it ready for publication. I am still undecided if I want to release it as an e-book or if I want to release it as both paperback and e-book. I’ll post a poll on my Facebook fan page!!

I am also going to be working on whatever speaks to me. Lately it has been a new story that I started at the beginning of 2011. It is so rough that I don’t want to share it just yet. But the characters seem really interesting and I can’t wait to see what they are going to do!

Thanks readers!