Renewed creative juices!

Hello Fans,

First off, wow. It has been a long time since I’ve posted on my site. If you follow me on social media, you’ll know that I have published a couple of new stories. Yay! I’ll post the links to those at the end.

I wanted to talk about one of my works-in-progress that you may or may not remember. It is currently in the sample chapters section of this site. After years of agonizing over these most beloved characters, I am happy to announce book one is coming out very soon!

Dreamers Destiny Book Release Post!

Over the years, I would open up this manuscript and the task of editing and revising it was too much for me. So, I let it sit in my files – unfinished. Some of the things I thought about as I pondered how to get this story out to you guys was maybe I started the story too soon, maybe I should only focus on one character at a time, maybe this and maybe that.

Then it hit me. What’s the story about? Alyssa and Marco. Everything else is secondary. The history of Augusto, the history of the Walkers and the Runners. All secondary. The main story is Alyssa and Marco. Are they really destined to be together? How can they overcome the obstacles that force them apart?

I looked over my manuscript again. I saw that three years ago, I thought about breaking up the story into smaller books. So, that’s what I’ve done. I pieced together the heart of the story into a short 10,000-word story. Don’t worry this is just the beginning. I am not just going to tell the entire story in 10,000 words. No way!

Dreamers Destiny still needs to be edited and revised one more time before I release it, but it is coming together. I am going to spend the next few weeks working on book two and three, and however many more I’ll need to finish the entire saga. This has been a labor of love as I reconnected with these characters.

I can’t wait for you all to see what I’ve done. Please keep an eye out on social media for updates and links!

Now for the links to my other new books. I am also writing under the name: S.H. Steele now, and publishing through Dream Write Literary Publishing!

Project Chimera

The Den

Thanks for being loyal readers and patient as I find my creative side again. This is just the beginning of the announcements I’ll be making this year!

2 years is a long time…

…to wait for an update on my writing. To those who are interested, I am still writing. However, my focus has shifted since I graduated a year and a half ago. Yes, you read that right, I graduated. Since then, I opened an editing service and literary journal. It has been slow going, but I enjoy the work and I am looking forward to what 2018 brings me.

I know you are all wondering what projects I am working on. I might have a small update on the Alien/Witch story, but I can’t remember if I’ve talked about it here or not.

Current projects:

Alien/Witch – It is much like it sounds, if you remember. If not, this story is about an alien girl, who happens to also be a witch. I have the first part of this story written, but I haven’t made it much past that.

New Love Story – I participated in NaNoWriMo this year, and for the first time in years, I won! I still haven’t settled on a name and the story itself is shorter than the 50,000 word manuscript that I currently have. There was a lot of brainstorming and venting about not being able to write. I also outlined the entire story for the first time. It was weird and oddly satisfying. I still like to sit down and write whatever comes, but with the outline technique that I found, I was able to write a bear minimum outline and be able to keep the mystery of the entire story until I wrote it. I have a few month chapters left to write, but I thought I would share what this one is about. — The main characters are Henry and Harper. They went to high school together and were in an accident with their friend Shay. After the accident they write letters to Shay. This is the interesting part. Each chapter is in either Henry or Harper’s perspective and we get to read about bits and pieces of their life as they write to Shay. I don’t want to say much more or I’ll give away the best parts of the story. I am hoping to finish the first draft by the end of January and the revised second draft before the summer, so that I can have it edited and published by the fall or winter of next year.

Princess Fantasy Story – this one I just started brainstorming about. I got fed up with all the Christmas love stories where the Prince is always the one to take the throne. As I outlined the story, it felt like it was missing something. I started to research countries with monarchs, but then a friend suggested I make it a fantasy. As of today, I am still trying to decide what type of creature the royal family and their kingdom are or what types of creatures live in the kingdom. If you have any input, I would be happy to consider your ideas!

That is all I have to update you all on. Happy writing.


Closer to graduating…

Dear readers,

I have just finished another semester of college. I am one semester away from my bachelor’s in English/Creative Writing. I can see the end in sight. Afterward, I look forward to focusing my efforts on three things. A new business opportunity (details later), writing, and my kiddo.

Updates on my current projects:

  1. Audio book for Fighting for Love is coming along. I will be listening to a resubmitted version of the first 15 minutes some time this week.
  2. Previously titled The Honeymoon is still in the revision stages. I don’t foresee it getting out of this stage for some time. Looking at a possible release sometime in the next year or so. It is also getting a new title. Possible new title is Tale of Two Hearts, but I am still unsure of it.
  3. Reading. I am looking forward to be able to read for fun again. I really haven’t wanted to read while I’ve been in school (I know, it is a shocker since I love to read), so this will be on my list of things to do as I graduate and move forward on my projects.
  4. I am looking into starting an emailing list, where I send out newsletters or a quick update, kind of like this. When that is up and running I will let you know. I know that this blog has an emailing list that updates you all whenever I make a new posting, but I would also like to include updates on other things. Haven’t decided what exactly will go into the newsletter thing, but I really want to have that for my fans/readers.
  5. One project that I have been slowly working on, is an idea to start my own publishing/editing company. I know, there are like a bazillion editors out there. Well, I am hoping that I have a niche for this. So, look for more details as we go through the next year.

I would like to wish all of my readers Happy Holidays (no matter which of them you celebrate). I am looking forward to showing you all how much I have grown as a writer over the last couple of years since the release of Charlotte’s Revenge.

Thank you all for supporting me in my journey.

– Sandy

It’s Fall!

Hi Readers,

I finished up my summer classes and I am now about 5 weeks into my final fall semester! I cannot believe that this time next year I won’t be in school anymore. That’s the hope anyway! This semester I am taking Intermediate Poetry, Advanced Fiction Writing, American Literature I, and Intermediate Spanish Part 2 (my last Spanish class!). So far it has been so much fun. If you would like to read any of my poetry, I have put them on a website for writers:

If you need an access code, use this: E29Y5-38SR7-JAX2U

I’m not exactly sure how it works if you aren’t a member of the website. Let me know! I was talking with my boss at the SUU Writing Center, and she was shocked that I don’t really enjoy poetry. She asked me if I like music and told me, “Well, that’s poetry.” She’s right, but I feel like there is a difference. Anyway, I came to the conclusion that poetry is not my go-to literature. I have also decided that while I do not like reading poetry, writing it is pretty fun. My favorite so far is the one called “Trapped”. My professor asked us to read through some books of poetry and choose the first line of a poem and then write about the line. The line I found was a single word, “Trapped”. I talked about writer’s block. I am really anxious to hear back from my professor about how I am doing, but she isn’t giving feedback to us until the last half of the semester. We do have some in-class workshops that are coming up and I am also excited, and nervous, about those.

My Advanced Fiction Writing class is actually fun. The first time I took a class from this professor, I was so stressed out. I worried that I would be stressed again this semester, but so far I have been having a good experience. One of the first writing exercises we did was to think of something unknown and start writing about it. I didn’t even get to what I wanted to write about, because I decided to start at the beginning of my day and work my way up to the event. I got the feedback on it today and he liked the description, but wondered where the unknown was. I struggle with description, so I’ll take what I can get.

I would talk about the other two classes, but I don’t want to bore you. Just know they are going well. Although, Spanish is certainly kicking my butt. I just keep telling myself that I just need to get through the semester and never have to think about it again! Haha! I know it isn’t that bad, but it is like poetry, I just haven’t found what I really like about Spanish yet. Sorry to anyone who really loves Spanish. I am really glad that you do, because then it will hopefully cancel out how I feel about it!

Since I am in school, I really haven’t had the chance to work on any of the stories I was previously working on. Which means that everything is on hold. I am working on a piece for my fiction class, but other than that, I have nothing to report. Oh, I am scheduled to receive the first 15 minutes of “Fighting For Love” as an audio book, by September 30th.



Summer Fun!

Readers, I am excited. I am taking a class this summer titled, “Topics in Creative Writing: Fantasy”. I have been plotting and outlining a story and I just barely wrote a little bit of the first chapter! Yay! I have until the end of the month to write 50 pages of this story and I am looking forward to telling you all about it. You may remember be talking about the story that is listed in a earlier post titled, “Moving Out”. I am adapting this into a fantasy story. My inspiration is Charmed and Superman. Keep that in mind…inspiration. It will have familiar elements of both, but I am hoping that it will be able to stand on its own as a fun story that everyone will read and tell their friends about.

I also have fantastic news about “Fighting for Love”. I have just hired a narrator and she is working on the first 15 minutes. I am looking at a Summer 2016 release of the audio book version of that. It will come 5 years after its initial release! Fun times. I am also looking to hire a narrator for “Charlotte’s Revenge”. If you know any 18-25 year old girls who would like to narrate, please send them my way and I can point them in the right direction to audition.

November Updates

It is NaNoWriMo again! Yay! If only I wasn’t so busy, I would actually plot out a story and participate fully this year. I am keeping a file that I add to hear and there in order to keep track of the things I have been writing this November. It is day 13 and I am at 5,607 words. It is slow, but I don’t have as many papers this semester as I did last year.

As a way of updating you of my writing accomplishments, I have finished looking through the notes of “The Honeymoon” and will be working towards a final draft in the coming months. I am also considering changing the name of the book for the final release, but will continue to call it “The Honeymoon” until I figure out what to call it.

“24 Hour Roommates” has been on sale for audio book since September and it has sold 10 copies since then. Yay! If you would like your own copy, I have 23 promo codes to give out to anyone who replies to this posting.

Be sure to check back for more updates. Thank you fans!


Writing updates

Hello readers,

It has been a long time since I updated you on the progress of my projects. Here is the latest on what I’ve been up to and what I’m planning for this summer. I don’t recall which projects I’ve talked about already, so there may be new projects in this update!

“The Honeymoon”

This is a working title. I am 2/3 of the way through my proofreaders notes. Which means that I’ve gone through 2 of the 3 copies. I am currently working on the third one. Ideas for what I can do to improve this piece are coming every day. Today I ran out of those posted note tabs, so progress halted until I can acquire more! I have big plans for two minor characters and I’m considering taking the draft copy and throwing it up in the air. That process could prove interesting to the overall story.

“Dreams Change Lives”

Still in the proofing stage. I need to find one of my proofreaders and see how far she is in the process. Hopefully she hasn’t lost it. No real news for this one, but I can’t wait to get started on the editing and revising of this story.

“A Walker’s Destiny”

This one, I had a major epiphany on the other day. I don’t know how I didn’t see this before. I’m contemplating changing the narrative to a single character so we can see the world through her eyes. I also need to talk with my proofreaders to see how far they are in reading the story.

“Moving Out”

I wrote this one for my fiction writing class this past semester. The idea was to see if I could create a literary world without writing to a specific genre and then after the semester was over to change elements to fit the genre of Science Fiction/Fantasy. It was supposed to be a short story, with the intent to make it a larger work. I just don’t know how to write short stories! Haha! Novellas I can write, short stories are more difficult. Anyway, this story centers around Melody, a young girl who is moving out of her mom’s apartment and going off to college (this was the basis of the short story). In the novel, I am going to write she will be an alien who wants to know about her Earthling father, who just happens to be a witch (wizard, warlock, what-have-you…haven’t decided the terminology yet). So, she is part Alien, part Witch. Fun times ahead, right?? Should be. I am taking inspiration from Charmed and Superman, which you will see throughout the story.

I am just going to let this one sit on my jump drive for a little while though. I thought I would let you know that my creative juices haven’t stopped flowing. I have been busy with school (hopefully I only have 2 years left! yay!) and the kiddo!

Thank you readers! Have a great day!



New Design…

Yay! It was time for a re-design. It took a couple of layouts, but I think I finally like one. If you were on today for a couple of hours, you may have noticed the other layout I tried. What didn’t work with that one, was the menus. I must have too many menu options! Haha! Oh, well. Hopefully this will work for a while.

In NaNo news…my kiddos word count goal has been changed to 1,000. He is sitting at about 330 words or just over that. He is a rock star! He can write about 100 words in an hour, which for an 8 year old I think is awesome. Sometimes I will type for him, but still it is pretty great!

My original plan isn’t working as well as I’d hoped, so I started an actual story. It is about a young pop star who is about to get married. It has flashback scenes of how she meets her man, how she becomes a star, and then we will eventually get to the wedding. Should be fun! Every story is fun.

I am also including in my word count everything I write in November. So, this post and the one from November 1st will be included. Yay! Is that cheating? Oh well! I have two five page papers to write this month so…yay for word count! One of the papers I will only be including what I write because it is a group project. There is only one other person in my group, so…yay!

I sadly haven’t even hit 5,000 words…last time I checked. I very well could have by now, but I won’t know until I add this into my word count. Hopefully I have hit 5,000. I am so far behind, it is very sad. And now I am rambling!

Until next time, readers. Enjoy!

November is upon us…

And that means NaNoWriMo!! Yay!!

I am trying a different genre this year…self-help/creative non-fiction. Should be interesting. Though, I have been sick for the past week and I am just getting started. Hopefully it works out.

This is my kiddos first year doing the youth program and I set his goal at 5000, which means he just has to write 167 words a day. His word count is already over 170! Way to go, buddy!!

Off to write some amazing stuff. Good luck to all you NaNoWriMo’s out there!!

NaNoWriMo 2013

Seven more days until this years NaNoWriMo!! So exciting. This is that time of year that writers go crazy over their pieces. Will it work out the way they planned or will it go terribly amiss? Hopefully it will all work out! This is my annual good luck post!

Who all is going to participate? Well, for the first time, my eight year old will be joining the fun! He is beyond excited to start his own story. I gave him a notebook last year so he could write whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. He has been putting notes in it and is looking forward to taking over one of the laptops in the house! I gave him the goal of 5000 words in 30 days. Anything he writes will be fantastic! (and by that I mean it will be such an accomplishment for him).

Well, good luck everyone. I’ll be writing a part self-help, part creative non-fiction story about my experiences with online dating. Should be fun!
