Tag Archives: poems

It’s Fall!

Hi Readers,

I finished up my summer classes and I am now about 5 weeks into my final fall semester! I cannot believe that this time next year I won’t be in school anymore. That’s the hope anyway! This semester I am taking Intermediate Poetry, Advanced Fiction Writing, American Literature I, and Intermediate Spanish Part 2 (my last Spanish class!). So far it has been so much fun. If you would like to read any of my poetry, I have put them on a website for writers:


If you need an access code, use this: E29Y5-38SR7-JAX2U

I’m not exactly sure how it works if you aren’t a member of the website. Let me know! I was talking with my boss at the SUU Writing Center, and she was shocked that I don’t really enjoy poetry. She asked me if I like music and told me, “Well, that’s poetry.” She’s right, but I feel like there is a difference. Anyway, I came to the conclusion that poetry is not my go-to literature. I have also decided that while I do not like reading poetry, writing it is pretty fun. My favorite so far is the one called “Trapped”. My professor asked us to read through some books of poetry and choose the first line of a poem and then write about the line. The line I found was a single word, “Trapped”. I talked about writer’s block. I am really anxious to hear back from my professor about how I am doing, but she isn’t giving feedback to us until the last half of the semester. We do have some in-class workshops that are coming up and I am also excited, and nervous, about those.

My Advanced Fiction Writing class is actually fun. The first time I took a class from this professor, I was so stressed out. I worried that I would be stressed again this semester, but so far I have been having a good experience. One of the first writing exercises we did was to think of something unknown and start writing about it. I didn’t even get to what I wanted to write about, because I decided to start at the beginning of my day and work my way up to the event. I got the feedback on it today and he liked the description, but wondered where the unknown was. I struggle with description, so I’ll take what I can get.

I would talk about the other two classes, but I don’t want to bore you. Just know they are going well. Although, Spanish is certainly kicking my butt. I just keep telling myself that I just need to get through the semester and never have to think about it again! Haha! I know it isn’t that bad, but it is like poetry, I just haven’t found what I really like about Spanish yet. Sorry to anyone who really loves Spanish. I am really glad that you do, because then it will hopefully cancel out how I feel about it!

Since I am in school, I really haven’t had the chance to work on any of the stories I was previously working on. Which means that everything is on hold. I am working on a piece for my fiction class, but other than that, I have nothing to report. Oh, I am scheduled to receive the first 15 minutes of “Fighting For Love” as an audio book, by September 30th.
