Tag Archives: graduation

Closer to graduating…

Dear readers,

I have just finished another semester of college. I am one semester away from my bachelor’s in English/Creative Writing. I can see the end in sight. Afterward, I look forward to focusing my efforts on three things. A new business opportunity (details later), writing, and my kiddo.

Updates on my current projects:

  1. Audio book for Fighting for Love is coming along. I will be listening to a resubmitted version of the first 15 minutes some time this week.
  2. Previously titled The Honeymoon is still in the revision stages. I don’t foresee it getting out of this stage for some time. Looking at a possible release sometime in the next year or so. It is also getting a new title. Possible new title is Tale of Two Hearts, but I am still unsure of it.
  3. Reading. I am looking forward to be able to read for fun again. I really haven’t wanted to read while I’ve been in school (I know, it is a shocker since I love to read), so this will be on my list of things to do as I graduate and move forward on my projects.
  4. I am looking into starting an emailing list, where I send out newsletters or a quick update, kind of like this. When that is up and running I will let you know. I know that this blog has an emailing list that updates you all whenever I make a new posting, but I would also like to include updates on other things. Haven’t decided what exactly will go into the newsletter thing, but I really want to have that for my fans/readers.
  5. One project that I have been slowly working on, is an idea to start my own publishing/editing company. I know, there are like a bazillion editors out there. Well, I am hoping that I have a niche for this. So, look for more details as we go through the next year.

I would like to wish all of my readers Happy Holidays (no matter which of them you celebrate). I am looking forward to showing you all how much I have grown as a writer over the last couple of years since the release of Charlotte’s Revenge.

Thank you all for supporting me in my journey.

– Sandy