Renewed creative juices!

Hello Fans,

First off, wow. It has been a long time since I’ve posted on my site. If you follow me on social media, you’ll know that I have published a couple of new stories. Yay! I’ll post the links to those at the end.

I wanted to talk about one of my works-in-progress that you may or may not remember. It is currently in the sample chapters section of this site. After years of agonizing over these most beloved characters, I am happy to announce book one is coming out very soon!

Dreamers Destiny Book Release Post!

Over the years, I would open up this manuscript and the task of editing and revising it was too much for me. So, I let it sit in my files – unfinished. Some of the things I thought about as I pondered how to get this story out to you guys was maybe I started the story too soon, maybe I should only focus on one character at a time, maybe this and maybe that.

Then it hit me. What’s the story about? Alyssa and Marco. Everything else is secondary. The history of Augusto, the history of the Walkers and the Runners. All secondary. The main story is Alyssa and Marco. Are they really destined to be together? How can they overcome the obstacles that force them apart?

I looked over my manuscript again. I saw that three years ago, I thought about breaking up the story into smaller books. So, that’s what I’ve done. I pieced together the heart of the story into a short 10,000-word story. Don’t worry this is just the beginning. I am not just going to tell the entire story in 10,000 words. No way!

Dreamers Destiny still needs to be edited and revised one more time before I release it, but it is coming together. I am going to spend the next few weeks working on book two and three, and however many more I’ll need to finish the entire saga. This has been a labor of love as I reconnected with these characters.

I can’t wait for you all to see what I’ve done. Please keep an eye out on social media for updates and links!

Now for the links to my other new books. I am also writing under the name: S.H. Steele now, and publishing through Dream Write Literary Publishing!

Project Chimera

The Den

Thanks for being loyal readers and patient as I find my creative side again. This is just the beginning of the announcements I’ll be making this year!

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