Tag Archives: NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo 2013

Seven more days until this years NaNoWriMo!! So exciting. This is that time of year that writers go crazy over their pieces. Will it work out the way they planned or will it go terribly amiss? Hopefully it will all work out! This is my annual good luck post!

Who all is going to participate? Well, for the first time, my eight year old will be joining the fun! He is beyond excited to start his own story. I gave him a notebook last year so he could write whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. He has been putting notes in it and is looking forward to taking over one of the laptops in the house! I gave him the goal of 5000 words in 30 days. Anything he writes will be fantastic! (and by that I mean it will be such an accomplishment for him).

Well, good luck everyone. I’ll be writing a part self-help, part creative non-fiction story about my experiences with online dating. Should be fun!


NaNoWriMo 2011

It is finally here and I am not sure what is going to happen. I have a storyline sort of mapped out. I know…me…planning through a storyline. Actually, it is going to be based on a guy I met just a couple months ago. I’ll warn you all now…it is going to be pretty depressing. I’ve mapped out enough of the story that I know how it is going to end.

I started writing at my traditional time of midnight on November 1st and I wrote for an hour. I wasn’t sure where to start and then I just did it. I had to pause a bunch and really think about the description and dialouge that I’m putting in here. I don’t want it to be exactly the same as this guy’s story, but the main point of his story I’ve felt needs to be told. There are so many like him that I felt he needed a voice. I just hope that I can give it in just the right way.

I have such a big heart that when I was introduced to him and we began talking my heart just broke for all he has been through. While I couldn’t help him in the way he needs, I hope and pray that one day he will realize that life isn’t as bad as he thinks it is.

Anyway, I didn’t get very far…only 398 words for the first day. I knew going into this year that I would be behind because I’m going to school this semester and I don’t know how it will effect me trying to do everything. So, this year will be a “learning” year and next year hopefully I’ll know how to balance everything.

Oh, and I probably won’t share this years story like I did last year. At least not right away. Hope everyone is having a great week and I’ll update you again sometime in the next week!!


The NaNoWriMo 2010 title is

a TIE between…

Quest Through Time


A Savanna Edwards Novel: Charlotte’s Revenge

The poll doesn’t reflect that the second title got two votes, but before I added the option I voted “other” and put that title into the option bar thingy. So…it is tied!!

What is an author to do?!?!? Have another poll! This one will last until 2 days. On Friday afternoon I will make the final announcement!


I won!

I passed 50,000 words on November 24th! A personal best!!

Then I didn’t write for two days. Mostly because it was Thanksgiving and then I went shopping with my Mom on Black Friday and then was out of it most of the day!! Haha!

Anyway, had to share the great news! I am currently at 52,181.


Thanks for reading! The voting ends on Wednesday so if you haven’t voted on a title you need to!


8 More Days!

Holy Cow! Only 8 more days and November is over…well almost 7 since today is pretty much over!!

I passed 40,000 over the weekend! Yay! And I am almost to 45,000. I am going to try and get there tonight before I go to bed!

So…I had a little snafu last week. For those on my FB page you know what happened.

For those not on my FB is this what happened. I was writing just great, when all of a sudden the story just felt like it was done. Having read stories that have had a “end” feeling in the middle I did not want to continue for fear I would just screw everything up.

So, I thought…well…the main conflict has been resolved. A new conflict has arisen toward the end. What if I write a book two?

So, that is what I did. I started a book two. This time it chronicles Finn. The first few chapters are to catch everyone up on missing pieces throughout Book One(still untitled…see poll in “NaNoWriMo Update” post!) and to see how Finn sees Savanna!

So, some parts will be repeated…but others skimmed over from Book One.

Anyway…I started a Book Two and it is going really really well! I am so happy with both books! Yay!!

Thanks for stopping by!

NaNoWriMo Update!

We are ten days into NaNoWriMo 2010 and I am currently sitting at 20,674 words and rising!

My story is coming along great, but I have hit a lull in the story and it is making it hard to concentrate. I am doing my best to stay focused and get to the good stuff. I won’t go too much into detail. I love my story and I love my characters! Even more so than last years book(which remains unfinished…btw).

Look for a poll at the bottom of this post for choosing a title for my book! Yes, I am letting you my readers decide what to call this one! I’ll think of a few that I have in mind, but I’ll include an “other” option and ask that you provide your option to be added to this poll! At the end of the month the title with the most votes will win!

Thanks for reading my stories! More of this year’s NaNo Book coming soon!(I do have chapter 3 up now! Go check it out!)