A Savanna Edward’s Novel: Charlotte’s Revenge

This story has been moved to the Sample Chapters section of the website. In the menu bar above, hover over “Sample Chapters” and a drop down menu will appear. Click on “Charlotte’s Revenge” to read the final draft version of Chapter One! Enjoy! Links to Amazon coming soon!

2 responses

  1. Anybody that has ever had writer’s block will appreciate a method called “brain dumping” that allows you to write as fast as possible, without thinking. Just keep writing anything that comes to mind. Essentially, you just have to write as fast as possible, breaking through that inner wall that keeps you from transcribing what you need to. As you write down this content, the spelling, grammar and punctuation will not even be considered during this process. Once you write everything down, you will be surprised by how much content you actually have once you begin transcribing what you have said. Proofread everything that you write down, and restructure it so it looks presentable.

    Yes, we know that so many people hate writing, and if that is you then you obviously have to outsource or work on overcoming these blocks.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I agree that there are some days you just have to sit down and write your heart out. The problem is that life happens. Life can get in the way of truly getting those creative juices flowing.

      I am by far a blocked person. I choose to see areas where I’m stuck as just that; being stuck. When this happens, pull out an old project or start a new one. When your characters are ready to talk, you’ll be there to write their story. Plain as that!!!

      Thanks again!


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